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Martial arts training is a whole lot more than kicking and punching. In fact, a martial arts program is the perfect way to work out both your body and your mind for a happy and balanced life! While the physical aspects of the program will increase your energy, flexibility and health, the mental side will increase your ability to focus at work and help you relax at the end of the day. On top of all this, the self- defense techniques you learn could very well save your life! The first and largest school in the State of Iowa, Davenport Kuk Sool Won was founded in 1993 by SBN Jan Butler. Since its founding, Davenport Kuk Sool Won has been committed to providing students with quality martial arts training and self discipline in an atmosphere that preserves human values and individual identities. The accomplished instructors strive to provide martial arts training as well as an appreciation for the traditional forms and ideologies while keeping pace with modern martial arts. When people think of exercise, they do not realize that self-defense instruction provides a total body and mind workout applicable to men, women and children of all ages. Chief Instructor, Mr. Jan Butler believes it is his responsibility to ensure that when students branch out into society, they maintain an understanding of martial arts and its philosophies. He instills in his students the value of practicing their knowledge in everyday life. Davenport Kuk Sool Won is located in Davenport at 3811 North Harrison Street, phone 386-3383. You are invited to call for further information and class schedules.

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