Mu In (Warrior Club)
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Mu In (Warrior Club)

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Mu In Class
This is a special training class. Before acceptance to this class, a dedicated student must be willing to go through a rigourous tryout which usually runs between 4-6 hours.

SBN has only 3 students in this advanced class. Rick Rogers JKN, Kyle Hendricks DBN, and Paulena Khaw DBN.

In this class, students do a lot more advanced techniques - including escapes from joint locks and the holds, weapon retention (guns, knives, sticks), advanced chokes and advanced grappling.

This class meets every other week for 2-3 hours training. Tryouts are only once every six months. If you have further questions or if you think you have what it takes to make this group, ask SBN or one of the team members.

Mu In Club Members


JKN Rick

DBN Kyle

DBN Paulena